October 25, 2015 – Ocala, Florida and the Cosmos

Andy called me outside to witness the sunrise this morning, but by the time I put on some clothes and shoes, I missed the best of it.  I saw it out the window, but did not get the picture. Here is what I did get. The foreground is about as good as it gets in an RV parking lot.

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We have been sitting in one place long enough for me to remember what day of the week it is. (That’s tough when you are retired!) I decided that we should drive up to Ocala for the Friends meeting. They are not an official meeting, but a small group that worships in the home of Larry and Ellie.  We went there a few years ago and enjoyed the fellowship.

We got to the house about 15 minutes before eleven.  There were no other cars in the driveway, but we have learned in the past that many Quakers get there a minute or two late.  I was smitten with the flowers as soon as I got out of the car.  They are seven or ten feet tall!  The orange and yellow was electric in the morning sun and dappled shade!  I started taking pictures of the blossoms.

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Perhaps I should have called ahead.  Sometimes home worship groups can vary their time and place of meeting.  We rang the bell and Larry answered the door. They had children, grandchildren, and a great grandson visiting.  Everyone else had gone to the park.  Uh oh. He insisted that we come in and wait while he went to the park to get them so I went back outside to take more pictures of the flowers.

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The more pictures I took, the more excited I became.  “Each one has its own personality!” Andy was not so moved.  “Look at the sun through this one!” I didn’t even elicit a grunt.  Andy thought we should leave so as not to inconvenience the family. He finally convinced me just when the family returned. Ellie told us that on the fourth first day, other members of the group to go the Gainesville meeting.

It did turn into a meeting, but not a silent worship we Quakers are accustomed to.  We sat around the table with three generations of Claytons and talked. At noon, Ellie and her daughter-in-law visiting from Texas got up and made lunch.  Then we sat for another hour telling stories and simply chatting. At first we felt a bit awkward, but they continually told us how happy they were that we came and what a pleasure it was to see us. By the time we left, we really believed it.

Larry mentioned that he is 89 and a Korean War vet.  He and Andy talked about being in the military.

Their son Paul keeps his sailboat on the Neuse River and gave me his blog address. http://www.neuseriversailors.com/ We got to talk about boating.

Ellie also works diligently on her blog about William Blake.  She showed me her library of books by and about him.  I confess ignorance here, so I looked him up when I got home. William Blake (1757 to 1827) was an English poet, artist, and engraver. I love Wikipedia! I did not find out how Ellie came to study him. Her blog is William Blake: Religion and Psychology.

As I said, it was not a Quaker meeting, but was a delightful visit.

And, oh the cosmos!  That was my spiritual awakening this morning. These were so tall that I wasn’t sure they were cosmos.  The ones I grew in my garden were only two or tree feet high, and pink. I had to coin a new word for the experience: photogasm. I couldn’t find it in Merriam Webster, so it is my word. Then I decided the word should be florigasm and coined that one too. You don’t need to credit me if you decide to use either of them in a sentence.

How many flower pictures can you stand to look at in one sitting?

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Here is the underside of a cosmos.  Who knew?

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This butterfly on a cosmos might be my favorite picture.

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Bee on a cosmos is my best bee-and-flower shot yet.

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The cosmos in the shade were a deeper orange.

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This cosmos was so high in the sky I had to use a lot of zoom to take its portrait.

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I probably could have stayed there for hours and taken a picture of each bloom.





16 thoughts on “October 25, 2015 – Ocala, Florida and the Cosmos

  1. Linda R Coffey October 26, 2015 / 2:11 am

    Dinata, those are awesome pictures. Some should be framed and hung on my wall! I could look at them all day.


    • Dinata Misovec October 26, 2015 / 2:25 am

      Thanks Linda! If you want a higher resolution picture, just let me know. If you didn’t pick up on it from the post, I was beside myself taking these pictures. It was so much fun. Energy turned to matter.


  2. Josh Wrenn October 26, 2015 / 2:59 am

    The butterfly in the center with its wings spread out is a truly amazing picture, as is the one of the bee on the petal. Great pictures!


    • Dinata Misovec October 26, 2015 / 3:14 am

      Thank you. It was so much fun taking those pictures. I am not a “photographer”, just a “snapshooter” so I was thrilled when they turned out so well. The cosmos inspired me to think about the cosmos – light and energy.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Norma October 26, 2015 / 7:41 am

    Dinata these pictures are gorgeous.


    • Dinata Misovec October 26, 2015 / 2:14 pm

      Thank you Norma. I’m still sitting at my computer looking at them and re-enjoying them.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dinata Misovec October 27, 2015 / 7:27 pm

      Thank you. No skill on my part. They were there and the sun was shining on and through them. I just pointed the camera and pushed the button.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. carperson October 29, 2015 / 9:26 am

    Ellie just sent me a link to your blog – we are motorhoming Quakers who are very fond of Larry & Ellie — and live oak trees!

    Delightful blog – I look forward to perusing it further

    Susan & Don
    1978 GMC Eleganza II


    • Dinata Misovec November 1, 2015 / 8:42 pm

      So glad to hear from you!! Where are you now? We are in Marathon, in the Florida keys, for the next six months. So, if you come this way, be sure to get in touch.


  5. Claremary P. Sweeney November 13, 2015 / 11:30 pm

    Our cosmos also comes in shades of orchid, pink and white. It’s really lovely and although an annual, it reseeds. I love the butterfly photo, too.


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