Stucco III

The stucco crew was at the front porch when we arrived late this morning. The gables were covered.

There were only five men today and they were all busy. Stucco Man One applied a large quantity of mud to the underside of the roof.  I don’t know how it all stayed up there.

The shoveler kept the plasterers’ palettes full by tossing a partial shovel full up to them.

The big strong man used it up quickly.

The youngest plasterer was working on the columns.

The Sandhill Cranes were out dining on the golf course.

The column man used a large wet sponge to “finish” the stucco.

I got a good look at the use of the paint brushes.  When he finished applying the stucco, the strong man used the very wet paint brush to clean up his edges.

The shoveler got to pause occasionally but stayed busy most of the time.

The youngest of the crew was the mixer.  He was red-faced and sweaty even though he had more down time than the others.

These two never seemed to stop.

The column man finished off the top of the square column base.

At one point, they set up a table and the shoveler piled a good bit of soft mix on it.

The strong one picked up a flat plate of steel and slid it into the soft stucco to pick up a blade full.

Then he turned around and swiped the blade up the wall spreading the mud as smoothly as frosting a cake.

It was a lot of mud when he filled it.

He worked quickly and finished the lower half of that wall in just a few minutes.  Andy exclaimed, “No wonder he is so strong!”

He was intent on his task and I was mesmerized.

We went back to the motorhome for lunch (and a nap) and returned to the house in the early evening. The house looks rather drab in stucco.

The front porch area was the last section to be done.  Tomorrow, they will apply another, textured, coat. Then they will be done.

The columns are beginning to look nice.

The buckets were more interesting than the wheelbarrows today.

I took five or six pictures of the wheelbarrows, but they were just not as artfully arranged today. This was the best picture I got.  Also, there was no sunshine as lots of clouds were moving in.

I was so caught up with the inside of the house and the stucco that I just noticed this evening that we now have a gas meter on the side of the garage.


2 thoughts on “Stucco III

  1. cas olverson August 27, 2017 / 4:16 pm

    didn’t know stucco was cement. don’t know what i thought it was instead! stucco men are “artists at work”! am glad for you that all the human activity hasn’t run off the sandhill cranes. they are beautiful.


    • Dinata Misovec August 27, 2017 / 5:53 pm

      I guess I never thought about it either. If I had been asked before I read it on the bags, I would not have had an answer.


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