July 23, 2018 – Milwaukee Zoo

A trip to the zoo is always a good idea on a beautiful day.  George was taking two days off work for his “weekend” he missed while traveling. Two weekends, actually. The zoo was not too crowded on a Monday.

When I can’t pick my favorite pictures, I simply include more.

Try as I might, I did not get many good monkey pictures.

Owen displaying his missing teeth.

And cheeseballs.

I did manage to get another excellent photo for my animal butt collection.  This guy would not turn around for anything.

I think this is a bushbaby.

The bats were most interesting. The hallways, where the people were, were dark.  Dozens and dozens of bats were hanging upside down.  I was surprised by how active they were.  They were moving around and changing spots regularly.

We could not keep the pace of the kids.  Andy decided he wanted a hamburger so we found a place.  They were not cooking hamburgers so he got a chicken sandwich. That’s enough to put him in a foul mood.  Several gardeners were busy setting out new plants in the flower bed next to our table. Then a mama pea hen wandered in with two chicks.  She settled down in the garden until a gardener disturbed her.  She got up and left.

Then we got a better look at the chicks that had been hidden by the plants.

We saw a peacock strutting down the sidewalk sometime later.

When Andy was finished with his lunch, we caught up with the family at the playground.

Zookeepers were giving a talk on large insects.  Ick.  I think this one is related to a scorpion.

We always ride the train around the zoo before leaving. I was hanging my camera out behind me, hoping to get pictures of the kids.

I got one of my big kid too.

Andy enjoyed this more than it appears.  I think.

Cam got a ride out to the parking lot.